The Albany Baptist Church Youth Ministry gathers together once a month for fellowship, pizza, games, and a short bible study.
The next meeting will be Friday, September 20, 2024 at 6:30pm at the church building. We’ll have pizza, snacks, a devotional time and fun group activity.
Male and female chaperones are always present, and all young people are welcome!
Columbus Day Weekend Youth Retreat
Each year on Columbus Day weekend, Albany Baptist Church hosts a youth retreat for young people from churches all over the northeast at Camp Pinnacle in Voorheesville, New York.
Our next retreat is on October 11-14, 2024.
For important information about our speaker, activities, schedule, etc, download the informational pdf here
You can register for the retreat here
For mobile users, use the QR code below for more information and to register.

The retreat is open to ages 14 through college age and will include:
- outdoor activities
- fellowship opportunities
- devotional time
- messages from guest pastor
- all meals, snacks, beverages, etc
- adult supervision
Check back here for specific information, registration forms, etc next fall when registration period for 2024 opens.
Thank you, and we look forward to this year’s youth retreat!